Section: Research Program

Systems of Systems, Heterogeneous Systems, Dynamicity, Statistical Model Checking

Formal methods rely on the notion of transition system (TS): an abstract machine that characterises a system's complete behaviour. This machine consists of a complete set of states (each representing full knowledge of the system at a given moment) and transitions between states, which may be labelled with labels chosen from some set of actions. This definition makes it necessary to have advanced knowledge of all the possible states of the system – to have a statically configured system. The algorithms used by formal methods perform an exhaustive exploration of the state space of the TS, so such methods suffer from the so-called state-space explosion problem. As a consequence, there are many real systems that are beyond the scope of such techniques. Despite this, over the last thirty years it has been shown that, when combined with heuristics such as partial order reductions or abstraction, formal approaches are powerful enough to verify industrial-scale systems.

The first wave of techniques was deployed to verify whether a certain set of (problem) states can be reached (`reachability'). Later, extensions of TS, such as hybrid systems and stochastic automata, were proposed to cope with new problems (e.g., energy consumption) or to reason on distributed real-time embedded components (possibly heterogeneous). It was quickly observed that the complexity of assessing correctness of such extended models arises not exclusively from the fact that they are large, but also because they introduce undecidability. As a concrete example, the reachability problem is already undecidable for any real-time system whose time evolution is described by a non-constant derivative equation.

This motivated the development of more efficient techniques that approximate the answer to the original problem or approximate the problem. Of these, perhaps the most successful quantitative technique is Statistical Model Checking , that can be seen as a trade-off between testing and formal verification. The core idea of SMC is to generate a number of simulations of the system and verify whether they satisfy a given property expressed in temporal logics, which can be done by using runtime verification approaches. The results are then used together with algorithms from the statistical area in order to decide whether the system satisfies the property with some probability. SMC resembles classical simulation-based techniques used in industry, but uses a formal model of systems and requirements. This not only gives a rigorous meaning to industrial practices, but also makes available more than twenty years of research in the area of runtime verification. Last but not least, the use of statistical algorithms allows us to approximate undecidable problems. Recent successful applications of SMC can be found in systems biology, security protocols and avionics. In particular, SMC was used to discover inconsistent requirements of an EADS airplane communication system.

Systems of Systems (SoS)

The advent of service-oriented and cloud architectures is leading to generations of computer systems that exhibit a new type of complexity: such systems are no longer statically configured, but comprise components that are systems in their own right, able to discover, select and bind on-the-fly to other components that can deliver services that they require. These complex systems, referred to as Systems of Systems (SoS), can change over time as each component creates and modifies the network over which it needs to operate: as they execute, the components create a network of their own and use it to fulfil their goals.

The Internet, made up of an unsupervised and rapidly growing, dynamically configured set of computers and physical connections, is an obvious illustration of the potential complexity of dynamic networks of interactions. Another example is the so-called “Flash Crash” in the U.S. equity market: on May 6, 2010, a block sale of 4.1 billion dollars of futures contracts executed on behalf of a fund-management company triggered a complex pattern of interactions between the high-frequency algorithmic trading systems (algos) that buy and sell blocks of financial instruments and made the Dow Jones Industrial Average drop more than 600 points, representing the disappearance of 800 billion dollars of market value. This example is an illustration of the faulty divergence of SoS behaviour, where the system starts to misbehave and dynamically creates new components that follow the same pattern and make the problem worse. Examples of this include when a SoS detects high energy use and invokes a new component to reduce the energy, thus consuming more energy. Until now, such divergence has been mostly handled by humans that eventually observe the faulty behaviour and manually intervene to stop it. This human-based solution is not always successful and clearly unsatisfactory, since it acts retrospectively, when the system has already failed.

Grand Challenge and Breakthroughs of ESTASYS

SoS are an efficient means of achieving high performance and are thus becoming ubiquitous. Society's increasing reliance on SoS demands that they are reliable, but tools to guarantee this at the design stage do not exist. Most conventional formal analysis techniques, even those dedicated to adaptive systems, fail when applied to SoS because they are designed to reason on systems whose state space can be predicted in advance. The grand challenge addressed by ESTASYS is the fundamental overhaul of formal methods techniques in the design of SoS life cycle.

It is clear that SMC can be applied to the verification of complex systems. Unfortunately, SMC cannot yet be applied to SoS, because existing techniques are designed to capture the behaviour of statically configured systems, or systems whose dynamical configuration arises from permutations of known components. ESTASYS defines new abstract computational models and extend the state of the art of SMC to include SoS.

ESTASYS proposes a new formal methodology to support an evolutionary adaptive and iterative SoS life-cycle. We foresee the following breakthroughs:

  1. Our ground-breaking computational model addresses the complex dynamic nature of SoS. The model is based on new interface theories that take into account behaviours of possibly unknown components and thus abstract what is unknown.

  2. Cutting edge algorithms coming from the area of statistics and learning are exploited to make predictions about autonomous systems making local decisions. For example, statistical abstraction abstracts the behaviour of unknown environments; interleaving analysis and runtime monitoring of deployed systems to continuously update distributions embedded in the interfaces.

  3. New statistical algorithms for SMC that scale efficiently and handle undecidability impacts the formal analysis of complex systems.

  4. Our results are implemented in a professional toolset, ESTASYS-PLASMA, that is constructed in close collaboration with our industrial partners. This ensures relevance to industry and potentially high impact in the marketplace.

Methodology and Organization

ESTASYS's main challenge is to lay the foundation of a novel rigorous software construction methodology for SoS, based on simulation, statistics and industrial practices. ESTASYS establishes theories and empirical evidence for the introduction of formal verification-based approaches in the rigorous design of SoS.

ESTASYS addresses essential research questions for the introduction of formal techniques to support the SoS life-cycle. SoS occur in multiple disciplines and therefore there is a need for a common language. In particular, notions such as autonomous decisions and dynamicity must be standardized and well understood by those that will apply our methodology. Additionally, characterizing the topological structure of a SoS is essential for the study of component interactions and data exchanges. The complexity of SoS requires the development of a sound formal semantic foundation to support deployment of formal methods. We thus identify a minimal computational model that characterize SoS, on which classes of properties of interest can be defined. The project investigates new simulation-based approaches, combined with other domains (statistics, learning, ...), to verify such properties on the new computational model. Finally, ESTASYS identifies under which conditions the new techniques can be used, to take decisions during design and evolution time, leading to a fully integrated development cycle.

ESTASYS focuses on both the static and dynamic properties of SoS. ESTASYS establishes models for each component and investigates the connection and dynamical interactions between them. ESTASYS's activities are organize in six main tasks: tasks 1, 2 and 3 are responsible for breakthrough 1; task 4 is responsible for breakthrough 2; task 5 is responsible for breakthrough 3; task 6 is responsible for breakthrough 4.

Task 1. Characterizing SoS. Examples of SoS found in various areas, such as health care, smart buildings and energy grids, are analysed and used to standardize notions of autonomous decisions and dynamicity. We also study and classify SoS-related problems, such as faulty behaviour divergence. Our objective is to derive in Task 2 formal models that abstract the above classification.

Task 2. Formal Modeling of SoS. Classical theories do not provide for SoS, hence we require new formal models for SoS that take into account (i) dynamicity and emergent behaviours, (ii) autonomous decisions of components, and (iii) architectural constraints, including information regarding the viability of the hardware. In particular, we devise new logics tailored to the specific needs of SoS. Such logics, dynamic by nature, includes extended notions of quantification, such as energy, and considers hardware constraints and distributions of system configurations. Task 2 includes modelling the various components running within the SoS and their (dynamical) interactions. This requires the definition of a new type of interface able to work with heterogeneous components and to abstract the behaviour of unknown resources. Interfaces act as an abstraction for the internal behaviour of each component and encodes the dynamical constraints of the SoS. They are used to (i) model and define the authorised interactions between the components, (ii) reason on dynamical aspects and (iii) abstract unknown behaviour.

Task 3. Statistical abstraction interleaving design and deployment. Abstraction techniques are necessary to reduce the complexity of SoS and to model uncertainty. Specifically, statistical abstractions of the observed runtime behaviour of components is used to quantify, e.g., the probability that a number of new components satisfying some constraints is started at a given execution point. Runtime verification monitors the executions of the deployed system to create distributions embedded in the interfaces developed in Task 1. When a deployed system is available, ESTASYS interleaves simulation, analysis and runtime monitoring, using real behaviour to update the statistical abstractions, and eventually replace some of those abstractions by concrete ESTASYS-Interface models. The ESTASYS methodology adopts a Bayesian approach: (i) an initial, plausible distribution is `guessed', based on whatever is known; (ii) the system is simulated using the current approximated distribution; (iii) the behaviour of the simulated system becomes the new approximation; (iv) the process is iterated as necessary. While learning-based simulation approaches, such as model fitting, can be used to learn the abstraction by conducting simulations from a finite set of initial components, we have to provide clear evidence that a global property holds on the system if it holds on its corresponding statistical abstraction. The task requires strong competences in statistics.

Task 4. Developing Efficient Simulation and Monitoring Algorithms for SoS. The ground-breaking models developed in Task 2 requires efficient simulation and monitoring techniques. This necessitates the study of new algorithms for dynamically configured systems and monitoring approaches to reason on heterogeneous components and the new quantitative logics and interface paradigms developed in Task 2.

A major difficulty in developing monitoring techniques for SoS is that the components have their own goals and behave differently in different environments. Unnecessary high-level hypotheses on properties may drastically increase simulation time and should be avoided.

Task 5. Developing Efficient Statistical Techniques for SoS. SoS pose new challenges for statistical techniques, requiring the study of new SMC algorithms dedicated to SoS goals. In contrast to existing SMC algorithms that can only be applied to pure stochastic systems, SMC algorithms for SoS have to take into account the non-deterministic aspects of autonomous decisions made by neighbour components. We postulate that this can be done by extending very recent advances in reinforcement learning algorithms. Rare events play an important role in system reliability, so we include rare-event simulation algorithms, such as importance sampling and importance splitting, which can reduce variance and significantly increase simulation efficiency.

Task 6. Evaluating the impact of statistical and simulation-based techniques. Evidence of the success of ESTASYS is provided by the publishing of a complete experimental environment, ESTASYS-PLASMA, that supports the empirical validation of ESTASYS's theories. ESTASYS-PLASMA contains efficient implementations of the results discovered in Tasks 2-5, and will provide intuitive feedback mechanisms so that the engineer can use the results of the verification process to improve SoS design.